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Старый 19.08.2021, 07:54   #1
Аватар для Верт
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По умолчанию Обсуждение манги и спойлеров "One Piece" XXXII: Каждый охотник желает знать, где сидит фазан

Тема для обсуждения спойлеров и вышедших глав манги One Piece. Часть 32.

  • Используйте тег HIDE для ссылок.
  • Спойлеры новых глав ТУТ. Обычно они появляются в четверг.
  • Главы на английском (и русском) теперь выходят по пятницам, но могут быть сдвиги из-за отсутствия нормальных переводчиков. Иногда из-за праздников журнал в Японии выходит раньше, тогда глава в сети тоже появляется на день раньше.

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Старый 02.09.2021, 00:31   #1371
Поэт Эры Пиратов
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По умолчанию

Дьявольский Плод Кайдо:
Тип -> Зоан
Подтип -> Мифический Зоан
Вид -> Рыба-Рыба но Ми
Модель -> Лазурный Дракон

Об чём тут спорить то?
CG = Cross Guild = Chad Giga:
Мискалиниум вне форума  
Старый 02.09.2021, 00:46   #1372
ЭмоБой из 2007
Аватар для ЭмоБой из 2007
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По умолчанию

Кинг буквально назван сильнейшим после Кайдо и лидером всех звезд. И только его взяли в мартнфорд как правую Руку.
ЭмоБой из 2007 вне форума  
Старый 02.09.2021, 01:02   #1373
Smiling Cat
Адский Воротила
Аватар для Smiling Cat
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Сообщение от ЭмоБой из 2007 Посмотреть сообщение
Кинг буквально назван сильнейшим после Кайдо и лидером всех звезд. И только его взяли в мартнфорд как правую Руку.

Буквально не назван.
Кинг умеет летать, так что не факт, что его взяли только потому что Кайдо резко пустился в погоню за ПБУ, а он единственный мог его догнать.

Тот же Квин и Джек не всё время в Вано, они и набеги тоже устраивают.

Пока четкой разницы в силе не будет вилно, как например у Крекера и Катакури, хоть у Крекера награда не настоящая, т.к. всего за 1 его солдата, а не за него лично - говорить о превосходстве, а не о равестве этих двоих не приходится.

На ДР вот Берджесса, капитана первого корабля, отправили - что же... он сильнейший теперь?

Даже 20 лет назад они оба побили Ножен. Так что 1:1 условный у них пока сохраняется.
Smiling Cat вне форума  
Старый 02.09.2021, 01:55   #1374
ЭмоБой из 2007
Аватар для ЭмоБой из 2007
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По умолчанию

Кинг в соло остановил корабль и чуть не утопил БМ.
Кинг елинственный кого взял Кайдо на войну в маринфорде.
Кинг признан сильнейшим послетКайдо и его правой рукой.
Он Король
Он одолел Марко.
Квин откровенный мусор на фоне рассы бога Кинга
ЭмоБой из 2007 вне форума  
Старый 02.09.2021, 02:15   #1375
Smiling Cat
Адский Воротила
Аватар для Smiling Cat
Регистрация: 25.01.2013
Адрес: Улица вечной ночи
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По умолчанию

Сообщение от ЭмоБой из 2007 Посмотреть сообщение
Кинг в соло остановил корабль и чуть не утопил БМ.
Кинг елинственный кого взял Кайдо на войну в маринфорде.
Кинг признан сильнейшим послетКайдо и его правой рукой.
Он Король
Он одолел Марко.
Квин откровенный мусор на фоне рассы бога Кинга

1. Уже сказал, что для Линлин тонуть не в первый раз.
Марко тоже опрокинул корабль, что никак не повлияло на тот факт, что он слабак на фоне Квина, у которого, как оказалось еще и Хаки есть.

2. Кайдо напал на ПБУ в НМ, в МФ ПЗ не плыли!!!
Кинг умеет летать, а Квин нет. Бедствия в Вано всё время не сидят, как и Генералы, и Министры у которых свои острова.

3. Квин технический гений, которому огонь пофиг, тогда как Кинг нет.
С тем же смыслом Квин скажет, что Кинг слабак с его "голым, тощим" телом.

4. Король и Королева вместе и разница 70М, так что имя-достоинство - это ничто, как аргумент.

5. Квин и Кинг вместе одолели Марко.
Кинг не один его резал и дырявил.

Твои аргументы однообразны и несостоятельны.
Smiling Cat вне форума  
Старый 02.09.2021, 02:30   #1376
Лысый шариК
Король Санджифаперов
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По умолчанию

Интересно, как Сентомару связан с Вано?
Хочу, чтобы он появился хотя бы в камео в Вано.

Список хейтеров Санджи:
Нехай, Манди, Бронот, Айкаша, Гато, Барок, Клоун, Токар, Печенька, Рассел, Эйс, Хэппи, Филя, Утк, Муги, Васярий, Шавер-мэн, Меровтино, Домитори, Биля.

От Били:
Лысый шариК вне форума  
Старый 02.09.2021, 03:31   #1377
Юрий Бонд
Аватар для Юрий Бонд
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По умолчанию

Сообщение от Smiling Cat Посмотреть сообщение
Кинг умеет летать, так что не факт, что его взяли только потому что Кайдо резко пустился в погоню за ПБУ, а он единственный мог его догнать.

Онигашима, накануне Марика:

Кайдо: Во-ро-ро! Усатый взаправду попер на дозорных! Надо перехватить и убиться об него, пока он не убился об Акаину! Кинг, подъем! Летим за Белоусом!

Кинг (лениво потягиваясь): Да-да-да... (привычно берется за ден-ден-муши) Эй, шестерки! Для вас задание! От самого Кайдо! Честное слово!

Кайдо: Дубина! (грозит дубиной для наглядности) Корабли брать не будем! Вдвоем слетаем по-быстрому! Я - ради славной смерти, ты... тупо за компанию.

Кинг (вполголоса): Пля-я-я! Во я дурак! Надо было говорить, что крылья накладные, при приеме на работу.
Сообщение от Цезарь Клаун Посмотреть сообщение
ну после тс лвл дномиралов знатно просел с добавлением полена, годится разве что на добивание и без того дохлых бедствий

Сообщение от Бафон Посмотреть сообщение
Обажаю наш форум) Наверное не одной темы нет, в которой все были бы солидарны.

Сообщение от Печенька Посмотреть сообщение
Аж прослезился, думал не найду себя среди избранных. Я то больше читать форум люблю чем писать посты/сраться из за Зоро.

Мое творчество на другом сайте (18+):
Юрий Бонд вне форума  
Эти 6 пользователей(ля) поблагодарили Юрий Бонд за это полезное сообщение:
Kontey (02.09.2021), Mikhael (02.09.2021), Russell (02.09.2021), Smiling Cat (02.09.2021), Мискалиниум (02.09.2021), Чей-то подарок (02.09.2021)
Старый 02.09.2021, 04:43   #1378
Taka no Me
Темный Король
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По умолчанию

Full summary. Thanks to Redon

Chapter 1,024: "A certain someone (某 (なにがし))".

Characters in the 2nd part of the special poster for World Popularity Poll: Gol D. Roger (in the sky like Kaidou and Big Mom in the 1st part of the poster), Crocodile, Enel, Mr. 2, Vivi, Carue, Nami, Sanji, Brook, Chopper, Luffy, Robin, Jinbe, Zoro, Franky, Usopp, Going Merry, Woop Slap (in Going Merry's figurehead), Kid, Urouge, Bonney, Killer, X Drake and Apoo.

Chapter starts on the 2nd floor of Onigashima castle. We can see someone's shape at the back of the room while many of Kaidou's subordinates start falling down and foaming at their mouths. They look around trying to find who is using the Color of the Supreme King Haki against them. The mystery shape talks.

Mystery shape: "If you come with half-assed resolution,
you won't be able to keep your conciousness while standing before me!!
I am the man who defeated 2 of the Tobiroppo!!
I am Usohachi the Nihou Hunter ("二胞狩りのウソ八" means "Usohachi the 2 of the Flying Six Hunter")!!!"

Kaidou's subordinates: "Eh~~~!!
Two of them!?"

Yes, mystery shape is Usopp that appears riding a giant crocodile (in fact, Usopp is riding a Gifter that has a full crocodile in his head, he hardly can walk).

Nami, Tama and Speed are hiding nearby Usopp. Speed reveals that the Color of the Supreme King Haki is released by Big Mom, who's fighting in other part on the 2nd floor. She's surprised that Big Mom's Haki can affect others on the same floor.

Nami contacts Franky by Den Den Mushi. Franky is in a zone that is connected with the “Live Floor”. He still isn't sure what is happening, but Kaidou's army starts moving toward “Live Floor”. Franky is fighting them alongside Law's crew to stop Kaidou's army from going down.

Cut to the 3rd floor of Onigashima castle, the area where Black Maria and Robin fought is completely on fire. As some Minks watch the scene, we see that Brook is crossing a bridge with Robin in his arms as they run away from fire. Luckily they are both fine, although Robin is still unconscious after her battle.

Brook contacts Jinbe, who is still on the 4th floor of Onigashima castle. There the battle continues against Kaidou's subordinates. Jinbe wonders why Kaidou hasn't returned to the castle and who is stopping him.

We now go to one of the big doors that is connected to the “Live Floor”. Some Kaidou's subordinates try to enter to escape the flames that are in other floors of the castle, but Kawamatsu and the Yazuka leaders fight against them.

Cut to Onigashima's rooftop, Kaidou and Yamato are still fighting. Yamato uses his attack “Narikabura” (Narikabura Arrow) against his father but Kaidou repels it with his kanabo. Kaidou jumps and uses his attack “Kongokabura” (Indestructible Arrow - 金剛鏑) that is a stronger version of “Narikabura”. Yamato stops it but the attack is too strong and finally crash with some rocks.

Yamato recovers from the attack and starts talking to his father.

Yamato: "You always want to kill me!!!"

Kaidou: "Yes, it's true...
This is not just family quarrel.
If you want to call yourself Oden,
then you must be ready to go to war against me!!"

グダグダの経済学者 — Сегодня, в 3:41
Yamato: "What's wrong with admiring someone!?"

Yamato's flashback begins. Kaidou and Yamato are near the giant Torii at the entrance of Onigashima (it has the dragon that Ace destroys some years later). From Kaidou's appearance, the flahsback takes place shortly after Oden's death 20 years ago, becouse Kaidou still wears the bandages on his chest from the wound that Oden inflicted on him.

Yamato is chained to a wooden column because he keeps calling himself Oden. He is badly injured (he has a big bump on top of his right eye) and he's also hungry. His appearance is the same as the present (same clothes and hairstyle) but being a child. Around him, we can see several of Kaidou's subordinates falling down and foaming at their mouths. Some of them call Yamato “Ogre Princess” (Onihime).

Kaidou: "Color of the Supreme King Haki...
You have potential.
But if you want to keep calling yourself Oden, then you must die Yamato."

Yamato: "Eh~~~!!!"

Kaidou takes Yamato to a cave with the kanji “天” written over the entrance (which has a giant rock for a door). Yamato is chained to a giant rock (that has a shimenawa rope attached to it) while he cries. Inside the cave, there are 3 of Wanokuni's greatest swordmen that Kaidou has captured (for now we only see their silhouettes). Kaidou talks to them.

Kaidou: "If any of you declares your surrender,
I will let you out of this cave and you can join my army. "

As Kaidou says this, he leaves several swords on the ground. He also leaves one portion of food next to them. This way it's possible that they kill each other in order to eat. Yamato begs Kaidou to release him.

Kaidou: "Didn't you say you're “Oden”?

After these words, Kaidou leaves the cave.

Yamato is left alone with the 3 samurai as his stomach growls with hunger. He watches them closely while he thinks he's going to die.

Yamato: "I'm Oden...
But I'm also the son of Kaidou, who killed Oden.
These samurai must hold a big grudge against my father...
And they probably would want to kill me as a revenge!!"

Suddenly, one of the samurai stands up, Yamato believes that his end has already arrived. However the samurai approaches Yamato and gives him the food.

Samuari: "Eat.
A samurai never becomes hungry."

Yamato starts crying thanking him and eats. He can't stop crying even though his mouth is full of food.

Yamato: "I won't forget this rice bowl the rest of my life!!"

When Yamato finished, another of the samurai stands up, draws his sword (which has a black edge), and cuts Yamato's chains easily (like Zoro cut through the rock before taking down Mr. 1 in Arabasta). Yamato starts talking to that samurai and asks his name.

Samuari: "A defeated samurai has no name.
Just call me “Nanigashi” (a certain someone)."

As the samurai speaks we can finally see him clearly, he is identical to Zoro but a few years older. He wears a bandage on his head and on his left eye. In the chapter his name is not said (neither the other 2 samurai's names) but he probably is Shimotsuki Ushimaru, the daimyo of Ringo. The samuari says they sympathize with Yamato and that they loved Oden too.

Yamato shows them Oden's journal, the samuari are shocked. Now we can clearly see the other two samuari. One has a long face with large eyebrows and sideburns, and he also wears a goatee (this is the one that gave rice bowl to Yamato). The other samuari has a triangular-shaped face, a rope tied to his forehead, and makeup similar to Kabuki actors.

Yamato: "I can't read what it says...
Could you teach me to read it?"

グダグダの経済学者 — Сегодня, в 3:42
The samurai bonds with Yamato, and during the following days they teach him to read. Yamato is amazed and excited with everything that he is discovering. After 10 days, Yamato is weakened and near death because he has no food to eat.

Samurai: "If Kaidou really wants you dead,
then you won't be able to live long enough to see the battle Oden-sama predicted
that will take place within 20 years. "

Yamato: "If I can live until that day...
I will fight for Wanokuni!!"

Shimotsuki Ushimaru?: "Then we will help you to live to join that battle...
20 years is too long for us!!"

The samuari who appears to be Shimotsuki Ushimaru, takes off the top of his kimono and draws his 2 swords. On his back he has a tattoo with 2 crossed swords, the same symbol that Koushirou (Zoro's sensei) uses in his dojo and on his clothes. Then the 3 samurai destroy the giant rock that blocks the cave's entrace and go out to fight Kaidou...

Back to the present.

Yamato: "Tell me...
Why have you taken away my freedom!!?
Why have you taken away this country's freedom!!?"

Kaidou: "You greenhorn!
This world cannot be explained with simple questions and answers!!"

Yamato and Kaidou attack at the same time using the “Raimei Hakke” (Thunder Bagua). Both of them probably have used their Color of the Supreme King Haki becouse the attacks' collision has created an explosion with black lightning bolts.

For the first time, it seems Yamato manages to become equal to his father...

End of chapter, no break next week.
//////............../....///////............./...........////// Хочешь бан? Нажми
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Старый 02.09.2021, 05:50   #1379
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Full summary. Thanks to Redon

Chapter 1,024: "A certain someone (某 (なにがし))".

Characters in the 2nd part of the special poster for World Popularity Poll: Gol D. Roger (in the sky like Kaidou and Big Mom in the 1st part of the poster), Crocodile, Enel, Mr. 2, Vivi, Carue, Nami, Sanji, Brook, Chopper, Luffy, Robin, Jinbe, Zoro, Franky, Usopp, Going Merry, Woop Slap (in Going Merry's figurehead), Kid, Urouge, Bonney, Killer, X Drake and Apoo.

Chapter starts on the 2nd floor of Onigashima castle. We can see someone's shape at the back of the room while many of Kaidou's subordinates start falling down and foaming at their mouths. They look around trying to find who is using the Color of the Supreme King Haki against them. The mystery shape talks.

Mystery shape: "If you come with half-assed resolution,
you won't be able to keep your conciousness while standing before me!!
I am the man who defeated 2 of the Tobiroppo!!
I am Usohachi the Nihou Hunter ("二胞狩りのウソ八" means "Usohachi the 2 of the Flying Six Hunter")!!!"

Kaidou's subordinates: "Eh~~~!!
Two of them!?"

Yes, mystery shape is Usopp that appears riding a giant crocodile (in fact, Usopp is riding a Gifter that has a full crocodile in his head, he hardly can walk).

Nami, Tama and Speed are hiding nearby Usopp. Speed reveals that the Color of the Supreme King Haki is released by Big Mom, who's fighting in other part on the 2nd floor. She's surprised that Big Mom's Haki can affect others on the same floor.

Nami contacts Franky by Den Den Mushi. Franky is in a zone that is connected with the “Live Floor”. He still isn't sure what is happening, but Kaidou's army starts moving toward “Live Floor”. Franky is fighting them alongside Law's crew to stop Kaidou's army from going down.

Cut to the 3rd floor of Onigashima castle, the area where Black Maria and Robin fought is completely on fire. As some Minks watch the scene, we see that Brook is crossing a bridge with Robin in his arms as they run away from fire. Luckily they are both fine, although Robin is still unconscious after her battle.

Brook contacts Jinbe, who is still on the 4th floor of Onigashima castle. There the battle continues against Kaidou's subordinates. Jinbe wonders why Kaidou hasn't returned to the castle and who is stopping him.

We now go to one of the big doors that is connected to the “Live Floor”. Some Kaidou's subordinates try to enter to escape the flames that are in other floors of the castle, but Kawamatsu and the Yazuka leaders fight against them.

Cut to Onigashima's rooftop, Kaidou and Yamato are still fighting. Yamato uses his attack “Narikabura” (Narikabura Arrow) against his father but Kaidou repels it with his kanabo. Kaidou jumps and uses his attack “Kongokabura” (Indestructible Arrow - 金剛鏑) that is a stronger version of “Narikabura”. Yamato stops it but the attack is too strong and finally crash with some rocks.

Yamato recovers from the attack and starts talking to his father.

Yamato: "You always want to kill me!!!"

Kaidou: "Yes, it's true...
This is not just family quarrel.
If you want to call yourself Oden,
then you must be ready to go to war against me!!"

グダグダの経済学者 — Сегодня, в 3:41
Yamato: "What's wrong with admiring someone!?"

Yamato's flashback begins. Kaidou and Yamato are near the giant Torii at the entrance of Onigashima (it has the dragon that Ace destroys some years later). From Kaidou's appearance, the flahsback takes place shortly after Oden's death 20 years ago, becouse Kaidou still wears the bandages on his chest from the wound that Oden inflicted on him.

Yamato is chained to a wooden column because he keeps calling himself Oden. He is badly injured (he has a big bump on top of his right eye) and he's also hungry. His appearance is the same as the present (same clothes and hairstyle) but being a child. Around him, we can see several of Kaidou's subordinates falling down and foaming at their mouths. Some of them call Yamato “Ogre Princess” (Onihime).

Kaidou: "Color of the Supreme King Haki...
You have potential.
But if you want to keep calling yourself Oden, then you must die Yamato."

Yamato: "Eh~~~!!!"

Kaidou takes Yamato to a cave with the kanji “天” written over the entrance (which has a giant rock for a door). Yamato is chained to a giant rock (that has a shimenawa rope attached to it) while he cries. Inside the cave, there are 3 of Wanokuni's greatest swordmen that Kaidou has captured (for now we only see their silhouettes). Kaidou talks to them.

Kaidou: "If any of you declares your surrender,
I will let you out of this cave and you can join my army. "

As Kaidou says this, he leaves several swords on the ground. He also leaves one portion of food next to them. This way it's possible that they kill each other in order to eat. Yamato begs Kaidou to release him.

Kaidou: "Didn't you say you're “Oden”?

After these words, Kaidou leaves the cave.

Yamato is left alone with the 3 samurai as his stomach growls with hunger. He watches them closely while he thinks he's going to die.

Yamato: "I'm Oden...
But I'm also the son of Kaidou, who killed Oden.
These samurai must hold a big grudge against my father...
And they probably would want to kill me as a revenge!!"

Suddenly, one of the samurai stands up, Yamato believes that his end has already arrived. However the samurai approaches Yamato and gives him the food.

Samuari: "Eat.
A samurai never becomes hungry."

Yamato starts crying thanking him and eats. He can't stop crying even though his mouth is full of food.

Yamato: "I won't forget this rice bowl the rest of my life!!"

When Yamato finished, another of the samurai stands up, draws his sword (which has a black edge), and cuts Yamato's chains easily (like Zoro cut through the rock before taking down Mr. 1 in Arabasta). Yamato starts talking to that samurai and asks his name.

Samuari: "A defeated samurai has no name.
Just call me “Nanigashi” (a certain someone)."

As the samurai speaks we can finally see him clearly, he is identical to Zoro but a few years older. He wears a bandage on his head and on his left eye. In the chapter his name is not said (neither the other 2 samurai's names) but he probably is Shimotsuki Ushimaru, the daimyo of Ringo. The samuari says they sympathize with Yamato and that they loved Oden too.

Yamato shows them Oden's journal, the samuari are shocked. Now we can clearly see the other two samuari. One has a long face with large eyebrows and sideburns, and he also wears a goatee (this is the one that gave rice bowl to Yamato). The other samuari has a triangular-shaped face, a rope tied to his forehead, and makeup similar to Kabuki actors.

Yamato: "I can't read what it says...
Could you teach me to read it?"

グダグダの経済学者 — Сегодня, в 3:42
The samurai bonds with Yamato, and during the following days they teach him to read. Yamato is amazed and excited with everything that he is discovering. After 10 days, Yamato is weakened and near death because he has no food to eat.

Samurai: "If Kaidou really wants you dead,
then you won't be able to live long enough to see the battle Oden-sama predicted
that will take place within 20 years. "

Yamato: "If I can live until that day...
I will fight for Wanokuni!!"

Shimotsuki Ushimaru?: "Then we will help you to live to join that battle...
20 years is too long for us!!"

The samuari who appears to be Shimotsuki Ushimaru, takes off the top of his kimono and draws his 2 swords. On his back he has a tattoo with 2 crossed swords, the same symbol that Koushirou (Zoro's sensei) uses in his dojo and on his clothes. Then the 3 samurai destroy the giant rock that blocks the cave's entrace and go out to fight Kaidou...

Back to the present.

Yamato: "Tell me...
Why have you taken away my freedom!!?
Why have you taken away this country's freedom!!?"

Kaidou: "You greenhorn!
This world cannot be explained with simple questions and answers!!"

Yamato and Kaidou attack at the same time using the “Raimei Hakke” (Thunder Bagua). Both of them probably have used their Color of the Supreme King Haki becouse the attacks' collision has created an explosion with black lightning bolts.

For the first time, it seems Yamato manages to become equal to his father...

End of chapter, no break next week.

Выглядит интересным, но судя по концовке, это не последний флэшбе Ямато
Лев Толстой любитель нек, и очень страстный
ожидания от Вано/возможный ап Зоро:
ап зоро:
pro100rno вне форума  
Старый 02.09.2021, 07:15   #1380
Аватар для Mugi
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Mugi обеспечено прекрасное будущееMugi обеспечено прекрасное будущееMugi обеспечено прекрасное будущееMugi обеспечено прекрасное будущееMugi обеспечено прекрасное будущееMugi обеспечено прекрасное будущееMugi обеспечено прекрасное будущееMugi обеспечено прекрасное будущееMugi обеспечено прекрасное будущееMugi обеспечено прекрасное будущееMugi обеспечено прекрасное будущее
По умолчанию

Любопытно, от чьей руки в итоге умер Ушимару? Если от Кайдо, то еще один повод для Зоро покончить с ним.

Ну и кажется Ямата пока сильнее Зоро и Санджи. Хотя не на 100% уверен.

Последний раз редактировалось Mugi; 02.09.2021 в 07:57
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