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One Piece Spoiler 1037 - Show Yourself
- Kaido deliberately does not hit at full strength. He wants to see what Garp's grandson can show.
- Royal Will is being used.
- The sky starts to break. The island itself also begins to be told in half.
- The situation is becoming very dangerous. Momo somehow manages to hold the island, but a little more and one of the parts will definitely fly down.
- It turns out that there was a heavenly island in the sky.
“The sky dwellers are scared. Everything around begins to collapse, houses go under the clouds. Lightning strikes. People are screaming.
- The elder of the heavenly island undertakes to save people. For this, a special steering wheel was prepared.
- He grabs the wheel. Splashes of water fly into your face. Management is difficult. Lightning struck her right shoulder.
- Here the cloud tilted and began to fall.
- The elder is holding on. He tries to save his people to the last.
- I won't give it to you! Not this time! he shouts.
- Kaido misses. The royal will throws another lightning bolt. The elder is badly injured.
- Being on his knees, rattling with pain, he holds on to the steering wheel.
“The sky dwellers want to help him, but it's too dangerous.
- I must! I... must!
Последний раз редактировалось Faust; 04.01.2022 в 19:12