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Старый 04.01.2022, 19:04   #7049
Аватар для Faust
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Faust обеспечено прекрасное будущееFaust обеспечено прекрасное будущееFaust обеспечено прекрасное будущееFaust обеспечено прекрасное будущееFaust обеспечено прекрасное будущееFaust обеспечено прекрасное будущееFaust обеспечено прекрасное будущееFaust обеспечено прекрасное будущееFaust обеспечено прекрасное будущееFaust обеспечено прекрасное будущееFaust обеспечено прекрасное будущее
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One Piece Spoiler 1037 - Show Yourself
- Kaido deliberately does not hit at full strength. He wants to see what Garp's grandson can show.
- Royal Will is being used.
- The sky starts to break. The island itself also begins to be told in half.
- The situation is becoming very dangerous. Momo somehow manages to hold the island, but a little more and one of the parts will definitely fly down.
- It turns out that there was a heavenly island in the sky.
“The sky dwellers are scared. Everything around begins to collapse, houses go under the clouds. Lightning strikes. People are screaming.
- The elder of the heavenly island undertakes to save people. For this, a special steering wheel was prepared.
- He grabs the wheel. Splashes of water fly into your face. Management is difficult. Lightning struck her right shoulder.
- Here the cloud tilted and began to fall.
- The elder is holding on. He tries to save his people to the last.
- I won't give it to you! Not this time! he shouts.
- Kaido misses. The royal will throws another lightning bolt. The elder is badly injured.
- Being on his knees, rattling with pain, he holds on to the steering wheel.
“The sky dwellers want to help him, but it's too dangerous.
- I must! I... must!
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