- Chapter 1,018: "Jinbe Vs. Who's Who".
- Tama becomes the target of Kaidou's subordinates.
- The Gifters and headliners will be in charge of protecting her.
- Tama and Nami go on Speed's back (Usopp goes behind asking to be allowed to climb).
- Nami tells Zeus that they are now "companions". Zeus is very happy.
- CP0 analyzes the battle after the last change. They also mention Who's Who.
- The rest of the chapter is Jinbe Vs. Who's Who.
- Who's Who curses Shanks for stealing the Gomu Gomu no Mi.
- In addition to having eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi, Who's Who is angry with Luffy for wearing Shanks's hat.
- Who's Who heard the story of the legendary warrior "Sun God" from a guard, he was related to slaves.
- Thanks to that story, Who's Who was able to survive in prison (in the image we see the warrior's silhouette) ..
- The guard who told Who's Who the story disappeared, so Who's Who decided to escape from prison in case he they did something.
- As captain of the Taiyou Pirates, Who's Who asks Jinbe if he knows anything about this story, being a pirate gang of ex-slaves.
- At the end Jinbe uses a new attack against Who's Who.
//////............../....///////............./...........////// Хочешь бан? Нажми
Брук герой арки. Сразился с Йонко, провел ночь с Йонко, обокрал Йонко, сломал Йонко, издевался над Йонко (с)
You are a genius. Are you Kinemon?
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 где мои пельмешки?!